Weight: 617-lbs (280-kg)
Length: 6' 0” (1.86-m)
Crew: 3
Caliber: 120-mm
Elevation: +45- to +80-degrees
Muzzle velocity: 297-fps (272-m/s)
3,950-fps (1,200-m/s) APDS
Minimum range: 546-yds (500-m)
Maximum range: 6,233-yds (5,700-m)
Shell weight: 35-lb (16-kg)
The mortar being offered, 120-mm mortar HM 38, is in excellent condition. The tires are in excellent condition. The paint is in excellent condition. It has been demilled.
The 120-mm HM 38 or Model 1938 was a Soviet designed mortar that first entered service with the Soviet Army during the Winter War with Finland in 1940. By the time of the German invasion in June 1941, the HM 38 had entered wide spread service with the Soviet Army. Cheap and easy to produce, it was a popular weapon with both the Soviets and their enemies who captured many of them. By the end of World War II, more than 12,000 had been produced. The Germans copied the HM 38 and produced it as the 12-cm Granatwefer 42 beginning in 1943. Finland captured around 200 of them and purchased another 50-plus from the Germans during the war. Post-war, license production of the weapon occurred in China as the Type 55.
The HM 38 saw extensive service in many post-World War II conflicts as it was widely exported by the Soviet Union to its many allies and satellite nations.
Transport Cost to Storage: $75