Nineteen-fourteen was the final year of production for the original Model T Ford body design, distinguished by a flat firewall without a rounded cowl and hood sides without louvers—a simple but attractive layout. The body sheet metal was extended back across the rear doorsills for added strength, while a longer rear cross-member reinforced the chassis, improving the rigidity of the overall design. Today the 1914 Model T is among the most desirable to collectors as a result, in particular the classic touring model that is, to many enthusiasts, the visual embodiment of the “Tin Lizzie.”
Jack Dunning’s very well-maintained Model T was acquired from a local collector in Ohio who had first purchased it in the 1950s. The former owner was intent on getting “the right” Ford and, to that end, traveled well over 200 miles to Pennsylvania to get this car, which had been well-maintained for its entire life. It was restored by Glenn and Randy Hatcher of Cambridge, Ohio, who would, of course, also be responsible for some of Mr. Dunning’s most recent award-winning restorations. Authenticity was a byword, down to the correct original lamps; while the car is not presently running on the original carburetor, it does accompany the Ford loose.
Since acquisition some twenty years ago, the Ford has resided in Mr. Dunning’s climate-controlled private museum, seldom driven and never publicly shown. Thus, it would be ready for exhibition by a new owner, who can enjoy driving a very properly done example of the classic 1914 Model T Ford.