Henry Ford was once quoted as saying that his customers could order their vehicles in any color, as long as it was black. It is a bit special, then, to see a Model T such as the one here, brightly painted in cream paint with lively red lettering and black trim. Of course, this Model T once delivered milk and dairy products to the residents of Hatfield, Pennsylvania, having been owned by local company Rosenberger’s Dairies.
According to the Model T Club of America, the serial number corresponds to an engine produced in April of 1915. By then Ford had stopped producing its Delivery Car; however, with nearly a decade of Model Ts now on the road, many manufacturers wanted in on Ford’s success. Pre-fab kits became available, which allowed potential consumers to turn their Model T into tractors, delivery trucks, and even “snowflyers,” equipped with skis instead of wheels. These kits allowed Ford to continue selling its bare chassis to customers who wanted their own custom conveyance.
Most likely ordered as a bare chassis and engine, Rosenberger’s Dairies used this Model T as an open top pickup truck. In similar style to a horse-drawn carriage, the driver and a passenger would be comfortable perched above the goods on the red seat while the dairy products rode safely in their crates behind.
Still registered in the Rosenberger’s Dairies name, and never registered outside of Pennsylvania, this Model T pickup brings with it that perfect feeling of nostalgia.