Already in production for 15 years, by 1923 the Ford Model T was firmly entrenched in American motor history. Envisioned by Henry Ford as a low-cost, easily maintained, “universal” car, the success of the Model T was guaranteed by Ford’s continued model upgrading, ensuring customers came back time and time again to purchase the latest model.
Offered here is a Model T coupe, which was a new body style for the 1923 model year. Replacing the well-loved Coupelet, the new body featured coupe doors that opened at the rear. Other new features included instrument panels and a sheet metal firewall instead of the wooden firewall used since the early 1900s. One of the most desirable body styles, a recorded 313,273 Ford coupes were made during the 1923 calendar year.
Painted in a fresh coat of Ford’s iconic all-black color combination, this Model T proudly proclaims its use as a former fleet vehicle of the well-known Northeast cheese company Heluva Good! Not one to let business get in the way of having a good time, founder Perry Messinger gave his executive officers, Father Time as President; Death and Taxes as Treasurer; and Geo. Experience as Secretary proper credit on the side of the Model T.