For 1938 one would find that the Buick style had been further refined; there were numerous mechanical improvements throughout the car. Much had been done to increase comfort, ease of handling and all-around motoring enjoyment. The greatness of the 1938 Buick, as with the Buicks which preceded it, was not founded on its surpassing beauty and glorious comfort alone. The merits of the car came from painstaking precision with which each part and element was designed for its appointed function, resulting in the beautiful platform that is being offered.
There were two different sedan models offered by Buick in the Series 80 Roadmaster line in the 1938 model year. Those being the Model 81-F Formal Sedan and the Model 81 Touring Sedan; this example is the respected Touring Sedan with Trunkback Both were powered by the Dynaflash 320.2-cid, 141-hp inline eight-cylinder engine that is connected to a three-speed manual transmission; these components are reported as being original to the car. The Roadmaster has been the beneficiary of a frame-off restoration that was completed in 1995 and features an AM radio.
The Buick is finished in dark blue with a blue interior. The color is reported as not being correct for this year, but the car looks good having a beautiful cosmetic presentation on the exterior, undercarriage and interior – all strong areas of attraction for this particular car. Smart fabrics and jewel-like hardware were utilized in the spacious interior when new, concealing the fortress-like security of the Unisteel Turret Top Body by Fisher with No Draft Ventilation to keep the occupants comfortable in all weather. On top of the cosmetic beauty, the Roadmaster is stated to be in good running order.