With a production run of just 1,256 units, the Turnpike Cruiser Convertible was the rarest of all 1957 Mercurys and at $4,103, the most expensive. Introduced at mid-year, convertibles arrived a bit later and received special checker-motif fender ornaments, bright lower quarter panel shields, and an optional Dream-Car Spare Tire Carrier (Continental kit) to note their special status. A front fender-mounted disc also let the world know that it was equipped with the “Turnpike Cruiser Engine” - a new 290-hp, 368-cid V-8. Standard features included power steering and brakes, power top and pushbutton Merc-O-Matic automatic transmission. A Turnpike Cruiser Convertible paced that year’s Indy 500, too.
This two-tone red and white Cruiser with white convertible top and matching three-tone red/black/white interior is considered a ‘50s icon among collectors today. This is a reassigned California VIN.