Cadillac introduced a four-cylinder Model D in 1905, but their single-cylinder cars were sufficiently popular that they remained in production through 1908. That year, a team of three Model K Cadillacs triumphed in the Dewar competition in England, being disassembled, their parts scrambled and reassembled, and then easily started. This demonstration of Henry Leland’s precision manufacture earned Cadillac the Dewar Trophy and led to the slogan “the Standard of the World.”
However, under-seat engines were becoming passé, so Cadillac disguised the fact by mounting a faux hood over the front axle on 1905 models, with a vertical radiator at the front. New single-cylinder models for 1906 were the K and M, which differed only in wheelbase (the M was two inches longer). For 1907 the front fender contour was flattened and a factory-installed Victoria top was offered. Cadillac’s light runabout is often called “Tulip” because of the shape of the seat.
This Cadillac Tulip runabout is an excellent older restoration on a complete and original car. The coachwork is original and in excellent condition, with very good paint and correct, good-condition brass. The top is excellent, and the leather seating is in very good condition. The engine is clean and well-detailed and runs well. An extra-high-speed rear axle sprocket makes the car well suited for touring. It was acquired by the consignor from the noted Sichel Collection in 2010 and subsequently serviced and further equipped with a concealed electric start for convenient and reliable touring.