247 cc water-cooled, two-stroke, twin-cylinder engine.
German engine-builder Rotax dates back to the 1930s, but it is best known today for supplying extremely competitive motors to Aprilia. Rotax took an interest in racing in the late-1960s, with a successful 125-cubic centimeter single, and then a liquid-cooled 500-cubic centimeter twin developed from the Bombardier snowmobile engine. In the 1980s, the company represented a real threat to Japanese domination in the 250-cubic centimeter class, offering a water-cooled, inline, two-stroke twin.
The handsome bike on offer dates from 1983, with a frame built by respected race bike builders Spondon, based in Derbyshire, England, since 1969. Rare, light, and very fast, this bike is being offered by Altinier Racing in Treviso, Italy, with a newer generation engine. With both Rotax and Spondon prospering, the new owner could anticipate a rewarding racing career.