This Danish royal carriage is thought to be from the late 1890s. This carriage is registered as “DSB S 4”, where DSB is an abbreviation that stands for Danske Statsbaner (Danish State Railways), the largest Danish train operating company and also the largest in Scandinavia. DSB is still running all trains, from royal carriages to commercial and good trains, throughout Scandinavia.
The carriage consists of several different compartments, all of which are very grand, as you would expect a royal carriage to be. One of the compartments is paneled in veneered wood from the ceiling to the floor; the wood is exquisite, similar to that in a royal palace. The seats are clothed in deep, rich red velour, along with the arm rests and head rests. All of the lighting is of the candle variety, with the shades manufactured out of hand-crafted shaped glass. In other compartments, the walls are covered with grand wallpaper hosting the Danish Royal emblem.
The exterior of the train is painted a two-tone cream and navy blue with red coaching. This Danish Royal Carriage would be a magnificent piece in any collection.
Denne vogn er kopi af en dansk kongelig togvogn fra slutningen af 1890erne. Denne vogn er registreret som "DSB S-4", hvor DSB står for Danske Statsbaner, som er det største danske jernbaneselskab. DSB varetager stadig det meste af den danske togdrift fra kongelige vogne over passagertog til godstog.
Vognen består af flere forskellige kupeer, som alle er meget store, som man ville forvente af kongelig vogn. En af kupeerne har træpaneler fra loft til gulv af udsøgt træ som i et kongeligt palads. Sæder, armlæn og nakkestøtter er beklædt med fyldig dybrød velour. Alt belysningen er beregnet til levende lys med skærme fremstillet af håndlavet formet glas. I andre kupeer er væggene beklædt med prægtigt tapet med det danske kongelige emblem.
Det ydre af toget er malet i to-tone creme og marineblå med røde kanter . Denne genskabte kongelige danske togvogn ville være et storartet stykke i enhver samling.