Lot 750

The Milhous Collection

1912 Weber Violano


$138,000 USD | Sold

United States | Boca Raton, Florida




Gebr. Weber (Waldkirch, Germany)

This rare Weber Salon Piano with Violin, also billed as the Weber Violano, contains an expression piano and violin pipes housed in a swell box inside the cabinet, which has another set of shutters on top. When both sets of shutters are closed, the violin music is extremely soft, and with the shutters opening in various combinations, a wide range of expression is possible. The front of the keyboard-less cabinet is decorated with hanging lamps, beveled mirrors, a large reverse-painted animated scene, decorative columns and carvings. It plays special 103-note Weber Violano rolls, which are also used on the keyboard-style Weber Violano. A fine group of 50 re-cut rolls, some with several tunes, are included. Acquired from the Funk Collection in Switzerland, this instrument has been selectively restored as necessary by Jerry Biasella.

The Weber Salon Piano with Violin was popular in Europe and America in the early 20th century. Ernst Böcker of New York City held the Weber agency in the United States. The Violano was widely advertised and seems to have found its ideal niche in fine homes, such as on New York City's Fifth Avenue, but some were used in commercial locations as well. This beautiful Violano offers the opportunity for an advanced collector to take home a rare instrument that will keep such esteemed company as the Weber Violano owned by the Sanfilippo collection. This example is the only known survivor of a Weber keyboardless-style salon orchestrion.

Reference: The Encyclopedia of Automatic Musical Instruments by Q. David Bowers (p. 626). 70x97x34 inches.