This beautiful Stinson-built replica of a model 157 Wurlitzer Band Organ was completed in 1999. The ornate facade was built by David Niswonger and then sent to Carousel Works in Ohio for painting and decorative detailing. It sat on the showroom floor and was used as a demonstrator until it was sold to a private collector in 2008.
It is a Model 2000M; the M indicates the organ plays on a MIDI system, rather than being controlled by paper rolls like a player piano. The 165 scale music files are loaded onto an SD card and inserted into an HP PDA which displays the individual tunes and allows the operator to select and play their choice of tunes. Everything from merry-go-round tunes to big band music files are available.
The organ has six bass pipes and trombone accompaniment pipes. Twenty-two flute and cello pipes add to the wide range of tones, as well as a full rank of trumpets and more. Two accordions adorn the beautiful facade and can be played individually and can also accompany the organ. The little drummer boys and cherubs all move with the music, as well as the tuxedo-clad band master. The four bell-ringers are active and add to the music.
The gorgeous, decorated Wells Cargo trailer provides a safe home for the organ. When the canopy is open, the professional lights are on, and the organ is playing, this is sure to be a beautiful-looking, and beautiful-sounding, showstopper!