Nearly identical in appearance to the 1924 model year Dodge Brothers Sedan, the 1925 version incorporated new features such as automatic windshield wipers, lift-open rear windows, cowl vents and a one-piece windshield. Also available for the first time were balloon tires on 20-inch rims.
The Dodge Brothers Sedan was powered by an inline four-cylinder engine producing 35-hp at 2,000-rpm’s. A three-speed manual transmission with reverse gear transferred the power to the rear wheels. The body was available in 14 different configurations in both standard and 116-inch wheelbase chassis’. Total model year production exceeded 201,000 units with prices ranging from $850-$1,110.
Period advertising touted that the Dodge Brothers Sedan offered “exceptional comfort that is commented on by everyone who drives it. Doctors, tourists, salesmen, and all who find it necessary to spend eight, ten and twelve hours on the road at a time, are particularly emphatic in their praise."