Auburn Fall 2012
1977 GAZ STGY Chaika M-13 Limousine
$40,700 USD | Sold
| Auburn, Indiana
This Chaika limousine is reported to have been reserved for use by the senior members of the USSR Communist Central Committee. These automobiles were used to transport members from the Kremlin in Moscow to and from their homes in the district, or to special events.
The Chaika was a limited production limousine based on the American Packard automobile tooling and stampings. It was produced at the massive Gorky automotive factory complex located on the Volga River, along with smaller civilian automobiles. It is powered by a 5.5-liter V-8 engine that produces approximately 160 horsepower.
This particular limousine holds documented service at a Communist Party “Unit Retreat” (resort) called “Red Stones” on the Black Sea. There, it was used by General Secretary of the Central Committee of the USSR, Leonid Brezhnev and his successor, Yuri Andropov.